Really, really hot.
We are not quite sure why, but the cat is losing a lot of fur at the moment. He is baldish on his back legs, pretty much entirely bald on his tummy and looking very patchy all over the rest of him. His elbows are pretty bare too. I think he is licking it off in some kind of psycho cat version of OCD and Doctor Google says that that is definitely a possibility and that although it's not life threatening, in worst case scenario he will end up bald all over with a furry head (because he can't lick his face fur off). Dreadful!! Obviously, I'm a bit worried about him and also pretty cranky about the possibility that I am going to have to put my cat on anti depressants, which is apparently the usual route. Dad said, with a cheery glint in his eyes: "you know what the answer is, you guys just need to get on with having the baby! You'll worry far less about a cat once a baby is around!"
Mum always grizzles when Dad talks about us having kids in case we see it as having the pressure put on us, but I like it. It makes me feel all warm and loved up.
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